Setting Up Your Full Node for the mev-commit Testnet

To join the mev-commit chain testnet with your own full-node, use mev-commit geth. We’ve modified go-ethereum to achieve shorter block periods than mainnet Ethereum, and to enable seamless native token bridging capabilities. Geth configuration will vary based on environment, but an example is provided below:

❯_ terminal
exec geth \
--verbosity="$VERBOSITY" \
  --datadir="$GETH_DATA_DIR" \
 --port 30311 \ --syncmode=full \ --gcmode=full \ --http \
 --http.corsdomain="_" \ --http.vhosts="_" \ --http.addr= \
 --http.port="$RPC_PORT" \ --http.api=web3,debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \
  --bootnodes enode://34a2a388ad31ca37f127bb9ffe93758ee711c5c2277dff6aff2e359bcf2c9509ea55034196788dbd59ed70861f523c1c03d54f1eabb2b4a5c1c129d966fe1e65@ \
  --networkid=$CHAIN_ID \ --unlock=$BLOCK_SIGNER_ADDRESS \
  --password="$GETH_DATA_DIR"/password \ --mine \
 --miner.etherbase=$BLOCK_SIGNER_ADDRESS \ --allow-insecure-unlock \
  --nousb \ --netrestrict \ --metrics \
  --metrics.addr= \ --metrics.port=6060 \ --ws \ --ws.addr= \
  --ws.port="$WS_PORT" \"_" \
 --ws.api=debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \ --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs \
 --authrpc.addr="" \ --authrpc.port="8551" \ --authrpc.vhosts="_" \
 --nat extip:$NODE_IP