Providers that have registered in the mev-commit registry will automatically start receiving bids on the mev-commit p2p network from bidders. In order to see incoming bids, providers need to communicate with their mev-commit node:

  • Use the official go RPC client to communicate with your mev-commit node. Go get the mev-commit package and then import the generated client as below:

    1. Install the mev-commit package:
    ❯_ terminal
    go get
    1. Incorporate the generated client into your Go application as follows:
    import providerapiv1 ""
    conn, err = grpc.DialContext(
    if err != nil {
    	// handle error
    client := providerapiv1.NewProviderClient(conn)
    bidStream, err := client.ReceiveBids(context.Background(), &providerapiv1.EmptyMessage{})
    if err != nil {
    	// handle error
    bidC := make(chan *providerapiv1.Bid)
    go func() {
    	defer close(bidC)
    	for {
    		bid, err := bidStream.Recv()
    		if err != nil {
    			// handle error
    		select {
    		case <-bidStream.Context().Done():
    		case bidC <- bid:
    stream, err := client.SendProcessedBids(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
    	// handle error
    for bid := range bidS {
    	// check the bid details and communicate with the block-building
    	// infrastructure to make a decision
    	status := getDecision(bid)
    	err := stream.Send(&providerapiv1.BidResponse{
    			BidDigest: bid.BidDigest,
    			Status:    status,
    	if err != nil {
    		// handle error

    There is an example implementation of a dummy provider client which blindly accepts all the bids it sees from its mev-commit node. This could be a good starting point for providers implementing their commitment decision logic in golang.

Alternative Methods

  1. Use or or other GUI clients like Postman. Relevant protobuf files are available in the mev-commit repository.
  2. Check the API docs to use the REST APIs. The RPC APIs are also available on the HTTP server.
  3. Users can use the protobuf files to generate a client in language of their choice.